Category: Programming

  • Creating and Consuming Web Services With PHP

    Creating and Consuming Web Services With PHP: Find out how to create XML-RPC, SOAP and REST web services using PHP, the most popular scripting language for web applications. [via Der Schockwellenreiter]

  • SOAP in Python

    Here is a good place to start learning about SOAP in Python (written by Mike Olson, Scott Archer and Uche Ogbuji). There are five Parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 [via Daily Python-URL]

  • When Pythons Attack

    Mark Lutz: In this article, I will chronicle some of the most common mistakes made by both new and veteran Python programmers, to help you avoid them in your own work. [via Zope Newbies>]

  • RSS-Aggregator with Twisted

    Valentino Volonghi: This is a fully featured RSS aggregator with parsing included. It’s scalable to very high numbers of feeds and can be used in multi-client environment through web using Twisted with a little code on top of Nevow, or can easily be integrated inside every app which uses some of the toolkits supported by…

  • Enhancing HTML with CSS+JavaScript

    John Ford does some interesting things on his website with CSS and JavaScript. Look at the “Show” feature on the left and the “Related” link in the top right corner (there is also a funny contact page).

  • Twisted based Weblog system

    Alan Green works on a Twisted based weblog system (see here for Twisted). Besides Twisted he uses SQLite (and PySQLite) to store the data. In an earlier post Alan also explains the reasons for Twisted. There I found also a very interesting link to Ian Bicking’s Website Framework Shootout.

  • New version of wxPython released

    wxPython is out. And there is also an Installer for Panther. [via schockwellenreiter]

  • Tinderbox to database publishing?

    Right now I set up this weblog to be rendered on my laptop and upstreamed to the server with normal HTML pages. This somehow put the burden of organizing the site on Tinderbox. But somehow I get interested in the idea to let the server care for the public face of my content and rather…

  • PyObjC

    “I tried out PyObj-C last night. PyObjC is a language binding/module that lets you use Python with Cocoa – somewhat like how AppleScript Studio lets you use AppleScript to write your Cocoa program.Except PyObjC makes AppleScript Studio look like Apple took the worst bits of VisualBasic, layed a verbose language on top of it, and…

  • New embed-Macro version

    I just added support for Shockwave to the Manila embed() macro. Get it here as Stuffit or ZIP file.

  • Anybody heard about ‘Erlang’ before?

    I just did. And it does even support XML-RPC.

  • Two new handy scripts for Frontier

    I added two handy scripts for Frontier in the “Other Scripts” section on my development page: the first script globally changes an e-mail address in all Manila sites of a GDB. The second script exports Manila news items as MySQL dump.

  • Tcl/Tk Aqua

    Tcl/Tk is now to be available for OS X Aqua. Very good. MacOS X gets more and more interesting for the old school UNIX developers. has an article by Michael J. Norton on that topic.

  • Embedding PHP in MySQL

    myphp is an extension that allows MySQL to execute PHP code that is stored in the database tables.

  • How to Report Bugs Effectively

    This is a long document explaining how to report a bug. The beef is in a bullet list at the end, but it’s worth reading anyway.

  • Processing

    The Design By Numbers project from John Maeda seems to have a successor: Processing. »The Processing project was created to introduce a new audience to computer programming and to encourage the audience of hybrid artist/designer/programmers. It integrates a programming language, development environment, and teaching methodology into a unified structure for learning.« Unfortunatly it seesm to…

  • Beginning AppleScript Studio

    Cocoa Dev Central: »“I’ll walk you through some of the steps I’ve gone through to develop my current project: RemoteTunes. The application, when it’s done, will allow you to control iTunes on a remote computer. For now, let’s just let it control a local copy.”« []

  • Flash Remoting for PHP

    »Flash remoting for PHP enables objects in PHP to become objects in actionscript, almost magically! AMF-PHP takes care of all the data-type conversions, serialization, and other client-server details. This provides a great way of connecting rich media clients with data and logic living on the server. While at the same time allowing designers to design…

  • AppleScript online language reference?

    Does anybody know a good online language reference for AppleScript? Im mean something like DocServer from UserLand? I wanted to write a very simple AppleScript – and I completly failed. I found a lot of examples – none of which really helped much. For instance: How can I encode a string into base64 in AppleScript?…

  • Flash managable Tree Browser

    This seems to be a very promising example of an editable outline in Flash. Does this thing read OPML? You can even move the headings around with the mouse.