Category: Contemplation
The issue with software-defined products
30 years ago the idea of “using” instead of “owning” was all the rage as a way to move into a more ecological future. To have products used by many people would allow to offer its services with smaller ecological footprints. This in par became true for car sharing services today. But the main use…
Artificial Intelligence everywhere
Disclaimer This following text was generated using GPT-4.Don’t take it too seriously. It is just a test. Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out as a revolutionary technology that’s altering the foundation of how we live and work. The impact of AI on the global economy far-reaching and it is touching every industry sector. What is the…
Testing World Outliner
This is just a test with the WordPress editing tool of Dave Winers OPML Editor and Word Outliner software. I owe Dave Winer a lot. He invented Frontier (which apparantly is running at the core of the OPML Editor). It got me into Blogging in 1996. I experimented a lot with it at the time…
OK. Reset!
Well, as this blog obviously shows: I simply did not have the time to blog in the past (the Twitter account is more active). The past years have been of that sort. There is too much going on and I started to contemplate for a moment if I should revoke the old blogging habit from…
Zoot Woman as well!
I am sorry to “spam” my music interest recently. But I am just so glad about what the Berlin team was able to pull up again. As my profile discloses I have been listening to the britsh band called Zoot Woman recently. Now I am happy that Hobnox has the concert and an interview:…
Hobnox recieved the Grimme Online Award
Hobnox recieves the Grimme Online Award. The Grimme Online Award is one of the most prestigious awards for online projects in Germany. The jury does mention the quality of the design. As Head of Concept and Design this makes me happy. But there have been many people working on the design that are not yet…
Grimme Online Award Nomination for Hobnox
Hobnox was nominated for a Grimme Online Award yesterday (category “special”). The Grimme Online Awards have always been a sign post for cultural relevance of web projects for me. So this makes me very glad that Hobnox has achieved this nomination. Side note: As announced on the FMX/08 conference the Audiotool has been updated with…
I am going to speak about web entertainment (and Hobnox) on FMX/08 tomorrow. I will probably see some friends there as well. I haven’t been to a previous FMX-conference. Judging from their program they do focus a lot on technology and Visual FX. The panel I have the privilege to participate in is subjected “realtime”.…
Things move on…
Things have been very busy for me lately. But instead of just apologizing I give you some links to see some stuff that is coming out of that: – – – Most of that is “viewing only” at the moment. This will change radically… 😉
Tinderbox 3.6.3
One of the tools I love to use is Tinderbox. The homepage says: “Tinderbox is a personal content assistant that helps you organize, analyze, and share your notes.” I just downloaded the latest beta version (3.6.3 b17) and found that it has a list of improvements that push it forward again. If you never heard…
6 billion Others
This is a very nice project by Yann-Arthus Bertrand that shows video portraits of 6000 randomly picked people in 65 countires that are talking about personal things.
Blog lag….
There has been no post here for over a month now. I really feel bad about that as I can see from different stats, that there are more than 550 subscribers to this blog (slowly growing) – which is not too much compared to some other blogs… but a hell lot of people for me.…
Desire (Design and Democracy)
I think the current Privacy/We-blog seminar (see blog) is turning out very well. The students are working on a project that is very “web2.0-ish” and a profound reflection on the business models that drive this market (or new bubble if you will). One of the questions that constantly return to me is what is the…
Design switch
Just a short note about the design tweaks.
Flickr facelift
I just noticed that recieved a slight facelift. They added dynamic HTML pulldowns and revamped the structure. The new Organizer is excellent.
Switching this site to a CSS-based layout
I am currently switching this site to a CSS-based layout. So broken pages/links (esp. with Microsoft Browsers!) may occur.
Old computers harm office morale
Ageing and unreliable office computers are making workers unhappy and more likely to claim sick leave, a new survey shows.
No one reads what you write?
I am considering a new writing style on this blog.
Ok. I am way behind schedule. Posting to this weblog has become a rare activity lately. There are a couple of reaons for that. It is a matter of priorities. I am pretty confident, that I’ll get “back to normal” soon.
Featured blog
Yesterday this weblog (»details of a global brain«) was featured on »The Main Quad« – a private blog that is “promoting viewpoints and topics that are international, multicultural, multi and interdisciplinary, and all over the political spectrum” (with a focus on academic blogs). I am pleased that I appear to be the first non-native English…