Category: Interaction

  • Google Maps

    Google Maps really seems to take off after offering their Google Maps API for web developers. People are quickly developing very interessting variations (e.g. this incredible mixing of map and satellite views or someone tracking the hotspots he was using with You’ll find much more at this tag »googlemaps«.

  • Location based services (update)

    A follow-up to yesterdays post: Tim Bruysten adds some context and links to an interesting project: Loopcity by Dietmar Offenhuber. Markus Neckar pointed me to the MacOS X menubar extra for Plazes by Martin Pittenauer. This makes it very easy to have the system announcing itself to the Plazes service (btw this is one of…

  • Location based services

    Until now the topic of »location based services« has been more a theoretical discussion about geological references to online data. Now there are obvioulsy a number of developments (and some rumors) that try to create datasets with longitude/latitude metadata. First of all hardware: The problem if tagging information with geological locations could be solved by…

  • George Olsen offers a toolkit for creating personas points me to a helpful document (PDF): George Olsen has developed a persona toolkit, which can help you build detailed profiles of users, their relations to a product (e.g. a website), and the context in which they use a product. The toolkit is pretty extensive, but intended to be based on a pick-and-choose approach.George…

  • Nokia Lifeblog

    Nokia Lifeblog is a PC and mobile phone software combination that effortlessly keeps a multimedia diary of the items you collect with your mobile phone. Lifeblog automatically organizes your photos, videos, text messages, and multimedia messages into a clear chronology you can easily browse, search, edit, and save.

  • Aaron Marcus on interaction design

    Aaron Marcus interviewed by Sharon Poggenpohl: There are design documents which designers make, that convey wisdom and are part of transactions with colleagues from other disciplines, and users. We as designers must talk increasingly with and communicate with other professionals from other disciplines.” In this interview Aaron Marcus refers to his work on “LoCoS” a…

  • Interactive Fiction for the 21st Century

    … and what text adventures from the past have in common with todays games. [via Hinterding] Found a link to “Interactive Fiction Archive” in that article as well.

  • Balancing visual and structural complexity in interaction design

    Henrik Olsen: “For people with little experience in interaction design it’s tempting to equate visual simplicity with usability. But there is more between heaven and earth than meets the eye. The Q4 issue of GUUUI takes a look at some common pitfalls, where studies have proven that what appears to be simple isn’t always what…