Category: Programming

  • Apache Ant 1.5.1

    »Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool, similar to make, but without Make’s wrinkles. It is required to build many Jakarta projects, and also to build Java support for PostgreSQL and other software distributions.«

  • Perl XML-RPC

    One of my students has created an XML-RPC library for Perl, that he claims is way faster than the three Perl implementations listed on that are all base on the same XML library (his doesn’t). Unfortunatly he seems to be too shy to release it to the public. I think he should get a…

  • UI Browser Preview and MacOS X GUI Scripting

    “Enter GUI scripting. The release of OS X 10.2 brought an advance in AppleScript civilization which I’m not sure most of us were prepared for.” [Studio Log]

  • GUI Scripting

    I wonder what fancy things people will do with the GUI scripting in AppleScript.