Freedom to facism

Here I promote an almost two hour documentary by Aaron Russo about the US Federal Reserve System (which is a private bank and not a government agency as many believe) controlling the US currency. His claim is that the Federal Reserve Bank creates paper money “out of thin air” while there is no proof that it is backed with gold in Fort Knox.

This is a “flaw by design” which ultimately turns private banks onto a track to a “one world government” by implementing tools for control, that mimic those of facist and communist states. Russo does start the story by reporting that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is threatening people that deny to pay income tax even though there is no constitutional law that protects this. To me as a foreigner is not so easy to get this, because I pay income tax. The story here is that the goverment tolerates violation of consitutional rights. And I suppose it is a good way to play the card.

There are a number of people interviewed and cited and I think many people would recognize these as authorities on the subject: Congressman Ron Paul, Mike Ruppert, Edward Griffin… just to name some. There are also important quotes by Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson about the fact that money should be controlled by the government.

Here is also an interview with Mr. Russo on his movie, where he critizises Michael Moore that his award-winning Farenheit 9/11 documentary (official site) is playing into the system by just polarizing Republicans versus the Democrats. Russo’s film does target beyond that political game and questions the system on a more fundamental level.

There is also an interview with Mr. Russo, where he claims Nick Rockefeller told him eleven month ahead of 9/11 that there is “going to be an event after which US will invade Afghanistan and Iraq”. Mr. Russo leaves no doubt actually, that Mr. Rockefeller knew at least a year ahead of the “war on terror” what is going to happen:

And if you have any doubt if it is possible to fool “average American” by media spin about this subjects look at this clip oth this clip here and ask yourself how these people came about to know (or not know) what they think they know (or don’t know).





2 responses to “Freedom to facism”

  1. Bob

    I’ve searched and searched but cannot find a DVD of this “Freedom to Facism” to purchase. Why not? Although it can viewed on various internet sites I want physical copies to distribute amongst my personal network for people to use to begin influencing politicians at all levels.

  2. Oliver Wrede

    I don’t know what you tried to find a DVD copy… I tried Amazon:

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