Thoughts on Perseus blog survey

Right in time for BloggerCon: The Blog Survey from 66% of blogs are abandoned. Only 10% of webloggers appear to be older tha 30. Interestingly the study did not include some “advanced” power-user weblog tools like MovableType, Manila or Radio Userland and not even Blogger. Besides of TypePad they only inlcuded blogging software that advertise “online journal” and particularily market the “private diary” type of blogs: Blog-City, BlogSpot, Diaryland, LiveJournal, Pitas, TypePad, Weblogger und Xanga.

So the results may not be representative. But it’s clear that a great deal of webloggers stop after some time. No surprise to me: If you just publish your private life – there may not be enough revenue for you, because readers may not so much interested in the bloggers life – they are interested in their own lifes (and the look for useful and interesting things).

That’s why I ask my student webloggers to blog about their profession instead about their private life. Unfortunatly most don’t seem to do this. Maybe there’s not enough “professional life” to seperate private life from their professional interests?






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