Author: Admin

  • AI beyond LLMs

    AI beyond LLMs

    Large-Language Models are trained on text. These models understand the world by learning from our understanding of the world that has been expressed in textual form. This way even a blind ChatGPT knows something about color and their potential similarities without ever “seeing” color per se. Whenever something that ChatGPT generates makes sense the sense-making…

  • Design education latest trends

    Design education latest trends

    Disclaimer This following text is generated by GPT-4. Don’t take it too seriously. It is just a test. Design education has been evolving rapidly to keep up with the ever-changing demands of the industry. As technology continues to advance, new trends and approaches have emerged, shaping the way design is taught and practiced. Here are…

  • Gui Bonsiepe Chair: Designing for Possible Futures

    Gui Bonsiepe Chair: Designing for Possible Futures

    The Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago de Chile has dedicated a new educational chair named »Gui Bonsiepe-Chair: Design for Possible Futures«. It honors Gui Bonsiepes work and influence on the Design Culture and Design Education in Latin America and aims to expand knownledge and…