Author: Oliver Wrede

  • Using Weblogs to Manage IT Organizations

    Phillip Windley has collected some thoughts in preparation of the panel he will moderate: »I’ve been asked to moderate a panel on using weblogs in IT organizations at the upcoming Weblog Business Strategies conference in Boston (June 9-10). I’ve been mulling this topic over and trying to come up with questions and discussion topics for…

  • Read it to Me

    »Read it to Me creates a playlist of MP3 files in iTunes from your unread items in NetNewsWire using Apple’s Text-to-Speech that you can sync to your iPod.« []

  • Blogs & Boards

    »Tom Coates’ delightfully thoughtful piece Discussion and Citation in the Blogosphere differentiates weblogs and discussion boards. He illustrates how weblogs generate better discussion by helping hide bad content and making it easier to find the good content.« [Corante: Social Software]

  • Shape of a Blogologue

    In this article, Microdoc News takes the example of a short 7 day blogologue (collectively written blog story) that is branded by the word googlewashed.

  • Deep Thinking about Weblogs

    Andrew Grumet adds his ideas to the weblog theory: »Weblogs are becoming increasingly difficult to ignore for those of us who spend much time reading the Web. Also known by the inscrutable nickname “blogs”, weblogs are something of a hard nut to crack. Compounding the difficulty is the fact that a great deal of weblog…

  • Little Exercise

    Ulrich van Stipriaan took this photo at the beginning of my presentation. I was the last presenter of the day and I thought people would appreciate a small body movement. Ulrich has more photos here. Sebastian Fiedler has photos here.

  • Meeting people at BlogTalk

    This is a collection of personal notes about some people I met at the BlogTalk conference. This is NOT a report on the weblog conference as such. That will follow later on.

  • BlogSpeak

    Stephanie Nilsson is working on a thesis about how speech and writing may blend into something she calls »netspeak« or »blogspeak«.

  • BlogTalk afterwards stuff

    It is interesting to see how people can grasp the material that is now generated as a reflection to the BlogTalk event: Haiko Hebig collected some great quotes. There is an aggregation of all the BlogTalk weblogs from JJ Merelo.

  • Server up again!

    This server had outages the last days always around midnight. I apologize about that – if you’re here by trying again: I really appreciate that!

  • Hossein Derakhshan @ BlogTalk

    Hossein ist reporting about the weblog scene in Iran: 12.000 bloggers estimated in Iran. Six of the top ten Iranian blogs happen to be ones with sexual content. His weblog is here.

  • BlogTalk live bloggers

    David Weinberger made a list of all the webloggers that are in the conference room that are blogging live! I experience some connection problems here with the Wireless LAN (some address conflicts maybe). Anyone else?

  • Panel 1 discussion: Meaning in weblogs

    People are discussing how complexity is managed by weblogging and if semantic web or a blogsphere map do really create »meaning« or just another form of quantity. My take on that: »Meaning« is not something outside anybodies head. It is cronstructed. The question is which strategies we have aquired to construct that meaning. It might…

  • Ethan Eismann @ BlogTalk

    Ethan is talking about the UC Berkeley Intellectual Property Weblog. He is ginving some thoughts to topic weblogs. Authors of topic weblogs explore the topic more deeply and attract other people interested in the same topic. Somehow the course weblogs we do at the Aachen University of Applied Science are all topic weblogs. The “problem”…

  • Andrius Kulikauskas @ BlogTalk

    Andrius is talking about »The Algebra of Copyright«. He is proposing a four-level model (PPT file) for determining the level of copyrights by the amount of parsing done with a work. I think you need to read his paper – I can’t summarize his thoughts here. It suppose it is a way to determine if…

  • Notes by Azeem Azhar

    Azeem Azhar is the host of the current panel and he is taking notes here. He has some other news for me on his blog: Matrix Reloaded is crap!

  • Steve Cayzer @ BlogTalk

    Steve’s topic is »Markup with Meaning« and he is discussing Semantic blogging and emergent knowledge exchange. Common knowledge management approach don’t support the sharing behavior of participants. The concept ultimately results in a bottom-up approach to ontology-building. If I understand correctly.. Here is his presentation file (PDF).

  • David Weinberger @ BlogTalk

    David made some good points about blogging as a kind of self-empowerment, multiple-sbujectivity and journalism actually blending into bloggery (or vice versa). David is blogging live here. And his presentation is here (as well as the others).

  • BlogTalk live

    I am at BlogTalk. There is a special page with two webloggers blogging live. Jörg Kantel is blogging as well. That’s what »getting connected« means to me: Yesterday eveninig I had some very interesting chats with Andrius Kulikauskas. He was talking about his open laboratory for serving and organizing independent thinkers. It’s called »Minciu Sodas«.…

  • Interesting photos

    Paolo Valdemarin seems to create an interesting new art that could compete with the mirror-shot idea: How much recursion can you catch in a photo (displayed on a screen). (Simone Bettini joins) There are some more cool photos here.