Author: Oliver Wrede

  • AOL weblogs?

    »From a trusted correspondent, talking with a contact who works at the Netscape part of AOL/Time Warner. “He said they had decided that weblogs are the next killer app, and that most of the work at the Mountain View office was going into building a weblog component for AOL. He also mentioned that about 400…

  • Decoding visual language elements in news content

    A great visual analisys and reflection on how to use images in order to shape people´s minds: News delivery in this country (USA) is increasingly comprised of carefully crafted displays of visual information. As consumers of information, however, most of us have never been taught to critically read or decode images and other graphic displays…

  • Design weblogs

    Peter J. Bogaards maintains a list of design weblogs.

  • Reminder: Weblogs and teaching survey

    Almost two year ago I created a 12-question survey for people that use weblogs in education. I got positive feedback and visitors liked to read the answers. If you are a weblogger in educational context I ask you to answer the survey. You just have to register yourself once. And comment to this thread.

  • Upcoming Manila news items enhancements

    Jake Savin posted a mockup of a possible editing form to post news items in a Manila site. Lot’s of new things there: trackback, optional comments, multiple departments, item summary for homepage and/or rss feed. If only this could be made look much simpler.

  • Learning, Working & Playing in the Digital Age

    John Seely Brown talks about social learning. Long text with slides.

  • Geeking out with pictures and Manila

    Dave Winer wrote a little script for Radio Userland that uploads a folder with JPEG images to a Manila site.

  • Tiernan Ray: Why Blogs Haven’t Stormed…

    Tiernan Ray: Why Blogs Haven’t Stormed the Business World. [Scripting News]

  • Blogtalk conference program

    The preview conference program of Blogtalk is online. I have not yet added myself to the panelists page but I will do that soon.

  • OS X software I like

    What I like about OS X is that there is extremly good, well crafted and well designed software (at affordable prices). Just to name some: Proteus, Snapz Pro, NetNewsWire, Tinderbox, BBEdit, Spring Desktop, Transmit, Launchbar.

  • Interfaces for aggregators

    Dave Winer thinks Radio Userland has a better interface for reading RSS feeds: RSS readers that work like Usenet readers are a waste of time, imho. Aggregators should not organize news by where items came from, just present the news in reverse chronologic order. Of course I disagree. I was turned off by Radio Userlands…

  • Trackback for Manila

    Dave Winer is working on Trackback for Manila. Trackback is an automatic reverse linking between weblog entries and was first introduced by MovableType.

  • Rendevouz for Windows

    There is someone called Bob Bradley working on a implementation Rendezvous for Windows. It is a technology that allows self-configurating TCP/IP-networks and -services. It was outlined by many people under the codename ZeroConf and Apple is the first major OS vendor to include it in MacOS X.

  • FmPro Migrator 1.24

    FmPro Migrator – Migrates FileMaker to MySQL and Oracle (including images). []

  • A weblog-based content architecture for business

    Dave Pollard has posted a blog entry on using weblogs in business. In it, he outlines an enterprise-wide architecture model for using weblogs as a source of intranet content. Quote: As weblog tools become more powerful and flexible, open sourcing of weblog add-ons increases, and RSS and XML technologies advance and become standard, the justification…

  • Typo3 – a first look

    I took a first look into Typo3 today. I tried to add a user and create a page. I think it is a powerful system, but the user interface is just ridiculous. It’s really something a feature fanatic developer can come up with. Contribute is nice (and an OSX version is ahead), but it is…

  • Web Browser gets 10

    Is it really ten years? Yes it is. So much happened and I almost forgot the times when there was no Internet at all. Most of the time I was wired and I have seen all the browsers come and go, learned HTML from 1.0 (and stopped caring about new formats when the cost/profit ratio…

  • Manila moves forward

    Jake Savin is moving forward with Manila. Very good. It was just few weeks ago that I noted Manila was not updated for quite some time. Lawrence Lee is very responsive to the community if there are ideas how to improve. He also offers quick help if there are problems. What is very encouraging here…

  • Weblogs & Knowledge sharing

    »Seb of Seb’s Open Research published his Weblogs & Knowledge sharing surevy over the weekend. Too much infor for me at the mo but well worth a deeper look later.« [James Farmer’s Radio Weblog]

  • MacOS 10.2.5 Update out

    I just checked the software update control panel and found the 10.2.5 update to MacOS X is out from Apple.