Author: Oliver Wrede

  • Step 3? – There is no step three…

    Skimming the news about ground battle of the »coalition of the unwilling« I more and more come to the conclusion that there is no real plan for Baghdad.

  • America’s Image Further Erodes »Anti-war sentiment and disapproval of President Bush’s international policies continue to erode America’s image among the publics of its allies. U.S. favorability ratings have plummeted in the past six months in countries actively opposing war – France, Germany and Russia – as well as in countries that are part of the “coalition of the…

  • Misconceptions

    Lots of chatter going on about if the military strategy of the “house of cards” turns out to be right or wrong. What was wrong are the armchair so called “security advisors” that still don’t get why the »Ministery of Defense« is not called »Ministery of Offense«. Here is what Richard Perle said not too…

  • Reality & Real time

    I can receive MSNCB Europe and CNN Europe on my TV. Sometimes at nighttime there is FoxNews (which I don’t want to see at all). There has been talk about if the »embedded journalists« make sense. I recognized it when I was in New York on 9/11: the majority of the US public does take…

  • Cook’s resignation speech

    The former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook resigned from his post as Leader of the House yesterday. He won an unprecedented standing ovation in the House of Commons. BBC is offering a recording of the speech in RealMedia format. []

  • NetNewsWire 1.0.1 ships

    »NetNewsWire is an easy-to-use RSS Web news reader for Mac OS X. Its familiar three-paned interface—similar to Apple Mail and Outlook Express—can fetch and display news from thousands of different websites and weblogs, making it quick and easy to keep up with the latest news.«

  • Beginning AppleScript Studio

    Cocoa Dev Central: »“I’ll walk you through some of the steps I’ve gone through to develop my current project: RemoteTunes. The application, when it’s done, will allow you to control iTunes on a remote computer. For now, let’s just let it control a local copy.”« []

  • OmniGraffle GUI Design Palette

    This is really cool: »This OmniGraffle palette can be used for general GUI design. I’ve tried to make it vanilla enough for platform independance although you can see some Mac OS X and Swing peeking out.«

  • 12’inch PowerBook

    Yesterday I had the first chance to examine the 12″ inch PowerBook. It is really very well designed. There are little glitches in the production of it (small gaps that are wider on one side than on the other), but generally it feels much more solid than my 1st generation 15″ inch PowerBook. I wonder…

  • World of Ends

    »What the Internet Is and How to Stop Mistaking It for Something Else« (by Doc Searls and David Weinberger) I don’t know for how long this document is online, but I just found out about it. Weinberger is the author of »Small pieces losely joined« and he will be a keynote speaker on the Blogtalk…

  • pic2icon

    This pic2icon tool turned out to be very useful. It add picture icons from image files so you can browse the images like thumbnails in the finder.

  • Christianity is saved!

    This is really something the world has waited for! [Plasticthinking]

  • Supporting weblog research

    Wil Wheaton points to a survey of bloggers being conducted as part of a thesis investigation at Georgetown University. It appears to be a fairly well thought out survey with a good variety of demographic and behavioral questions about blogging. Though I have a few criticisms of the survey (the caps on the choices numbers…

  • NewsAggregator

    I just checked out the new newsaggregator feature of Manila – and it seems I can’t make much use of it. The most important issue (somewhat typical for Userland): I can’t design the result page (no template) and it is English only. The site managers can’t extend the feeds they can subscribe to. I don’t…

  • NoteTaker

    After following a post from Dave Winer about NoteTaker I tried that application. It may be true that Scott Love is a capacity on outliners, but he does not seem to be a capacity on user interfaces. NoteTaker has a somewaht deterrent user interface.

  • Flash Remoting for PHP

    »Flash remoting for PHP enables objects in PHP to become objects in actionscript, almost magically! AMF-PHP takes care of all the data-type conversions, serialization, and other client-server details. This provides a great way of connecting rich media clients with data and logic living on the server. While at the same time allowing designers to design…

  • Moteran

    Moteran Systems is a German Company that invented a way to route WLAN traffic within a dynamic auto-configuring net of WLAN clients. With this technology each client functions as a relay for clients that are out of reach of the base station. To circumvent privacy issues the traffic is two-way encrypted.

  • vocabulary, taxonomy, thesaurus, ontology, meta-model

    Woody Pidcock from Boeing gives an overview: »What are the differences between a vocabulary, a taxonomy, a thesaurus, an ontology, and a meta-model? Many organizations and companies are struggling with these terms and the ideas behind them; this set of definitions will help to clarify.«

  • Jon Udell takes an interesting look at Spring

    »Jon Udell takes an interesting look at User Creations’ application Spring.« [Mac Net Journal]

  • AppleScript online language reference?

    Does anybody know a good online language reference for AppleScript? Im mean something like DocServer from UserLand? I wanted to write a very simple AppleScript – and I completly failed. I found a lot of examples – none of which really helped much. For instance: How can I encode a string into base64 in AppleScript?…