Author: Oliver Wrede

  • Is the Internet about to be disintegrated?

    Network neutrality is a principle of network design. It asserts that, in order to promote innovation, network service providers such as telephone and cable internet companies should not be permitted to dictate how those networks are used (i.e., not permitted to ban certain types of programs, to ban certain types of devices connecting to the…

  • Three Webmontag events today

    Just a note: Today there are »Webmontag«-Events in Berlin (28 attendees), Munich (33 attendees) and Bielefeld (5 attendees).

  • We love the funk!

    No comment…

  • Feedburned my RSS feed

    I have decided to publish my RSS feeds through Feedburner.

  • Eye-tracking websites

    Jakob Nielsen in his Alertbox newsletter provides some results of a eye-tracking study.

  • Create screenshots with different browsers

    There are a couple of web applications out there that allow to test a website in different browsers. I think that is a service the vendors of all theses browsers should pay for, but anyway: Free but you need to wait a long time to see results. German; Uses remote access, so you…

  • Ars Electronica 2006: Simplicity

    The topic of the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz this year is »Simplicity«.

  • No one reads what you write?

    I am considering a new writing style on this blog.

  • Half of corporate PCs can’t run Vista?

    If something is really shifting the market share in favour of Apple, than I think it is the fact, that Microsoft does have a real problem with innovating their OS on an outdated base of hardware. According to InformationWeek Gartner estimates that half of the PCs in corporations won’t be able to even run Vista.…


    Somehow I missed the site completely: The about page says: Kinja is a weblog guide, collecting news and commentary from some of the best sites on the web. Visitors can browse items on topics, everything from food to sex. Or they can create a convenient personal digest, to track their favorite writers.Weblogs are much…

  • Access point distribution

    Today during a train ride between Cologne and Aachen I let MacStumbler scan vor access points that I passed by. During the 70km ride it catched signals of around 65 wireless LANs: Usually regular housing is only close to railways in cities. On the country site buildings are rather sparse. Taking these facts into account…

  • Learning & commerce

    Nuvvo is a platform where teachers can add an online course and optionally sell enrollments. Nuvvo is free – but once the instructor charges money Nuvvo will keep an 8% commission of all enrollments sold. Besides of the fact that this is a really interesting business model, the Nuvvo web application is designed to be…

  • 3rd webmonday/webmontag in Cologne went well

    Yesterday the 3rd Webmonday in Cologne took place. Again we arranged the Hallmackenreuther for this get together, but this time they decided to put us in the cellar (which is a nice location for maybe 50 people, but not 70 or 80; see the images). People start to get familiar with each other. I think…

  • New seminar weblog

    I started a new weblog about the project seminar titled »Sound«. It’s a seminar covering sound design, corporate sound, sound in film, sound art, etc.

  • Webmonday ahead

    There is another »Webmontag« event ahead tomorrow in Cologne. There are around 54 people planning to attend right now (and another 26 more unsure). I think I need to walk over to Hallmackenreuther and issue a warning.

  • The unawareness of lack of skill

    This appears to be a funny note, but actually it is really something ultimately true: Unskilled and Unaware of It. Justin Kruger and David Dunning made several studies to support following concepts: 1. Incompetent individuals, compared with their more competent peers, will dramatically overestimate their ability and performance relative to objective criteria.2. Incompetent individuals will…

  • Which country to invade next?

    Like Michael Moore once said: »If you want to bomb a country you should at least be able to point it on a map!«. I would add you should at least be able to name some kind of reason. Just watch this video: It’s a little bit hard to see in the video: These people…

  • The rediscovery of function in product design

    The ACM IT magazine publishes an article written by Andreas Pfeiffer titled »Why features don’t matter anymore: The new laws of digital technology«. He lists ten fundamental rules for the age of user experience technology. The article begins with this: The iPod was never sold on the grounds of its technical merits: Apple hit a…

  • Visual explanations

    A very nice example of visual explanations: the wave vs. matter paradox of quantum physics.

  • Media war

    BBC reports that US secretary of offense Donald Rumsfeld acknowledges that the “war on terror” is primarily a struggle of ideas. He proposes the US propaganda machinery must be capable of fighting down the unfavourable news from offensive media with a “more effective 24-hour propaganda machine”. Hm. I was thinking free press and freedom of…