Category: Cognition
Note Taking Apps
The website provides a comparison of various note-taking software. It covers 35 best note taking apps analyzed over 295 features. Apps are compared based on various factors like compatibility with operating systems, tagging, syntax, attachments, offline work, cross device syncing, and price among others. While the list of apps is impressive it does not feature…
Facebook & Instagram destroy your attention span?
Just yesterday I wrote about Tim Berners-Lee complaining about what the web is like today. Today I found more commentary that supports this view. Big players like Facebook, Instagram introduced means to kill the ability of users to use URLs to create meaningful relations. On Facebook users are just allowed to express meaning in the…
John Searle: Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence
John Searle is the Slusser Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley. His Talk at Google is focused on the philosophy of mind and the potential for consciousness in artificial intelligence. This Talk was hosted for Google’s Singularity Network.
Tinderbox goes Universal
One of the tools I am using for years now is Tinderbox from Eastgate. I have used it for quite some time to write this weblog here (but swichted to WordPress + MarsEdit recently). Nevertheless I think Tinderbox is a helper in many ways – although there are always features that can be and will…
The unawareness of lack of skill
This appears to be a funny note, but actually it is really something ultimately true: Unskilled and Unaware of It. Justin Kruger and David Dunning made several studies to support following concepts: 1. Incompetent individuals, compared with their more competent peers, will dramatically overestimate their ability and performance relative to objective criteria.2. Incompetent individuals will…
Today I started the Continuity seminar weblog (RSS). There is also a special tag-pair on (RSS) for that seminar as well (unfortunatly the URLs will change soon). The topic of that seminar is still evolving, but the task is to understand the psychological and cognitive aspects of flow and its relation to design (mainly…
Theory clusters
At the University Twente there is a overview about communication-related theories. Extremely useful and a must read – if not must know – for every designer: The theories presented here are related to communication. Students can use these theories as a rich source for a better understanding of the theoretical fieldwork of communication. Choosing a…
The cognitive style of parallel writing
Stephanie Booth is reflecting on the experiment with writing a summary of a conference session as a group in SubEthaEdit (which allows users connected to one host to write together on a single text file; it looks like this -each user has a seperate color- and when finished the result can be published on a…
How thinking goes wrong
Michael Shermer about twenty-five fallacies that lead us to believe weird things. What a great document about scientific thinking.
Computer boosts cognitive agility of pre-school children?
CNN reports that computer use of children aged 3 to 5 scored higher on tests that gauge school readiness and cognitive development. Some earlier studies have found computer use improves children’s fine motor skills and improves recognition of numbers and letters. Is there a study that shows how extensive computer use in early childhood influences…