Design hypothesis vs. Scientific hypothesis

As a comment to the Rotman Management design issue (pdf) magazine Victor Lombardi quotes Jeanne Liedtka from page 12:

The most fundamental difference between the two, they argue, is that design thinking deals primarily with what does not yet exist; while scientists deal with explaining what is. That scientists discover the laws that govern today’s reality, while designers invent a different future is a common theme. Thus, while both methods of thinking are hypothesis-driven, the design hypothesis differs from the scientific hypothesis.

[via IDblog]






2 responses to “Design hypothesis vs. Scientific hypothesis”

  1. steff

    Yes, I quite agree. Designers see it from many aspects. They used their creativity, imagination of the future and even they combining a lot of fields, not only from one point a view. On the other hand, scientists see it from things that exist in the world, how the nature has processed, grown, and so on. However, i guess both of them have the same purpose that is too solve the problem or exploring something.

  2. […] a series of pilot prototype based studies, to a-priori develop a number of testable interaction design hypothesis which are then embedded in a working prototype and tested in context with target users. The […]

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