details of a global brain
Steve Cayzer @ BlogTalk
Steve’s topic is »Markup with Meaning« and he is discussing Semantic blogging and emergent knowledge exchange. Common knowledge management approach don’t support the sharing behavior of participants. The concept ultimately results in a bottom-up approach to ontology-building. If I understand correctly.. Here is his presentation file (PDF).
David Weinberger @ BlogTalk
David made some good points about blogging as a kind of self-empowerment, multiple-sbujectivity and journalism actually blending into bloggery (or vice versa). David is blogging live here. And his presentation is here (as well as the others).
BlogTalk live
I am at BlogTalk. There is a special page with two webloggers blogging live. Jörg Kantel is blogging as well. That’s what »getting connected« means to me: Yesterday eveninig I had some very interesting chats with Andrius Kulikauskas. He was talking about his open laboratory for serving and organizing independent thinkers. It’s called »Minciu Sodas«.…
Interesting photos
Paolo Valdemarin seems to create an interesting new art that could compete with the mirror-shot idea: How much recursion can you catch in a photo (displayed on a screen). (Simone Bettini joins) There are some more cool photos here.
Fernando Tricas Garcia & friends @ BlogTalk
Fernando (and his colleges) is covering the spanish speaking weblog scene. They talk about how they tried to figure out how many webloggers are in Spain (and elsewhere). They also try to map the blogsphere visually. Their presentation is here (PDF).
Differernt blogging styles…
Dan Gillmor does a good job on noting down his thoughts in a single document.
A reminder to EduBloggers
If you are using weblogs in education I ask you register here and afterwards take part in this survey. It might be interesting for others to read.
Maria Milonas @ BlogTalk
Maria is reporting about the blogging scene in Poland (over 60% of the webloggers are women, 40% men). Estimated 100.000 weblogs in poland. She says technically the polish bloggers use less sophisticated technology (mostly only posts and comments – no K-Logs or RSS). 90% writing their weblogs from home. Maria is emphasizing the social aspects…
Some first photos
I have put some first photos here.
Adapting Blog Technologies to Corporate e-Newsletters
»Two important characteristics of blogs are that they are written by a person who is knowledgeable and passionate about the topic, and they are written in a “real voice.” This is a cosmic shift from the marketing and public relations materials that are the staple of business communications. «
Dynamics of a Blogosphere Story
This article discusses typical patterns of how a weblog story is echoed in blogsphere and mainstream media. The author writes that he has analyzed ten stories.
BlogTalk presentations
There is a page with all the presentation files from the BlogTalk conference. Very good. I didn’t know if I liked it to see my presentation published without my actual presentation – but I think it gives people an idea what is going on. If I had to vote for openess or against I would…
Weblogs and Discourse paper online
I finally put online the paper that backs up my presentation at the BlogTalk conference in Vienna on Friday: Weblogs and Discoure Even if that document is unfinished and will change: comments are welcome.
Xblog – tiny blog tool
The current reference in the »How small can a blog tool get« contest: Xblog.
Link rott
The realvideos of the Wizard of OS conference are offline or buried in docuverse somehow. This is just an example why links should be designed wisely (and -by the way- it is totally unacceptable that Typo3 does not yet allow to define precise URLs). I can only quote Brent’s Law of CMS URLs: “The more…
Dive into Accessibility
Mark Pilgrim has compiled extensive manuals about how to make you HTML pages more accessible. Grouped by publishing tools, disabilities, editors and browsers.
»WikiLog: an attempt to synthesize the best aspects of WikiWikis and WebLogs.Yes, weblogs can be done by hand on any wiki. The difference is that automating it makes it more powerful, and conceptually easier for people to work with.«
2,2 trillion dollars
According to this german article the theoretical maximal penalty for Microsofts latest security hole in Passport would be 2.2 trillion dollars ($11,000 for each of the 200 million accounts).
Embedding PHP in MySQL
myphp is an extension that allows MySQL to execute PHP code that is stored in the database tables.
Got any book recommendations?