details of a global brain

  • Moteran

    Moteran Systems is a German Company that invented a way to route WLAN traffic within a dynamic auto-configuring net of WLAN clients. With this technology each client functions as a relay for clients that are out of reach of the base station. To circumvent privacy issues the traffic is two-way encrypted.

  • vocabulary, taxonomy, thesaurus, ontology, meta-model

    Woody Pidcock from Boeing gives an overview: »What are the differences between a vocabulary, a taxonomy, a thesaurus, an ontology, and a meta-model? Many organizations and companies are struggling with these terms and the ideas behind them; this set of definitions will help to clarify.«

  • Jon Udell takes an interesting look at Spring

    »Jon Udell takes an interesting look at User Creations’ application Spring.« [Mac Net Journal]

  • AppleScript online language reference?

    Does anybody know a good online language reference for AppleScript? Im mean something like DocServer from UserLand? I wanted to write a very simple AppleScript – and I completly failed. I found a lot of examples – none of which really helped much. For instance: How can I encode a string into base64 in AppleScript?…

  • The New R&D: Relevant & Desirable

    »Somewhere in the process of evangelizing user-centered design, user experience professionals seem to have forgotten the value of vision-driven design.«

  • Gallery of Data Visualization

    »The best and worst of statistical graphics.«

  • Seminar weblogs and students weblogs

    James Farmer sketches his concept for weblogs in education: each member of a project runs his own weblog and he/she will contribute to a group weblog.

  • How the Students View Weblogs

    Anne Davis: »Yesterday I asked the students to write their thoughts about their news weblogs. They wrote sooooooo well. What they wrote speaks for itself.«

  • U.S. not interested in peace?

    Clearly even if you are promoting a US strike against Iraq, there should be one thing to consider: If the U.S. strikes without formal permission of the UN and without recognizing Iraqs effort to apply to the resolution 1441 – how will U.S. ever be able to solve any future conflict peacefully? If there is…

  • Tablet PCs?

    I wonder if these tablet PCs that Microsoft wants to promote are really going to work out. I doubt you can use them with a pen very well for writing. And if you need a keyboard most of the time anyway – why not buying a Laptop right away? (The biggest problem of course is…

  • 2003 And Beyond – Technology trends that will affect business

    »This article is a guide to trends that are already in full motion and well known by technology specialists, but are far from obvious to most business managers. I can’t tell you what to do about them, without studying your particular business, but it will cast some light on what you should be looking at.Much…

  • Flash managable Tree Browser

    This seems to be a very promising example of an editable outline in Flash. Does this thing read OPML? You can even move the headings around with the mouse.

  • hierarchyTemplates Plug-In 0.5 beta 2

    Fixed a bug with »newsSite table not found« in context of static rendering. Thanks to Erin Clerico from for pointing that out.

  • Apache Ant 1.5.1

    »Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool, similar to make, but without Make’s wrinkles. It is required to build many Jakarta projects, and also to build Java support for PostgreSQL and other software distributions.«

  • U.S. Diplomat’s Letter of Resignation

    John Brady Kiesling’s letter of resignation to Secretary of State Colin L. Powell: »We should ask ourselves why we have failed to persuade more of the world that a war with Iraq is necessary.«

  • Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war

    »Secret document details American plan to bug phones and emails of key Security Council members. […] Details of the aggressive surveillance operation, which involves interception of the home and office telephones and the emails of UN delegates in New York, are revealed in a document leaked to The Observer.« [blogdex] Read that secret document.

  • Patent #6,525,747

    Jeff Bozo strikes again: Two days ago the Amazon CEO recieved a patent: A method and system for conducting an electronic discussion relating to a topic. And here is another one that stinks: A method and apparatus are provided for dynamically organizing and tracking website content during its deployment This is ridiculous!

  • New world order

    Former German Minister of Foreign Affairs Hans-Dietrich Genscher said: »We are entering an new era of world order. We will only be able to design the 21st century peacfully if the third world states recognize the agenda as evenhanded. […] We need diplomacy that translates between different schools of thought.« [tagesschau Newsticker]

  • Google Labs: WebQuotes

    It seems Google starts to implement first prototypes of something that explains the Pyra interest. WebQuotes seems to show who is quoting who and how. [WebDEV]

  • Weblogs and paradigm shifts

    Nicholas Jon seems be struggling about advocating weblogs in academic contexts. But reviewing when paradigm shifts happen he thinks it is just a matter of time: »I’ve found the adoption of weblogs, the sharing of information they allow, and the community building they foster to be difficult to push to critical mass – at least…

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