Author: Oliver Wrede

  • Manila updates

    Jake Savin is implementing FTP rendering for Manila: “Parts of the code for this feature have been done for a little while now, but a few pieces had been missing, most notably the writing of your site’s RSS feed to the static server.” Rendering a site via FTP has been working with Alan Germans FTP…

  • Personal use of corporate computers is good

    Found via Lilia Efimova: “Personal web usage in workplace offers benefits for employees, employers, new book concludes [via Judith Meskill]: websurfing for personal reasons during work hours results in “better time management, reduction in stress, adding to skill sets, and helping to achieve a balance between work and personal life”.Games at work may be good…

  • Structuring elements in knowledge creation processes for classes

    Spike Hall describes some structuring elements in knowledge creation efforts in classes: Formal Debate Each participant committed to active participation with a reward for doing so. Moral Dimension of Student Product: Students were assigned to an advisory committee advising a business on the negative impact of business activity on public health. Student activity within advisory…

  • Designers at Microsoft

    Robert Scoble: Are you really ready to know how Microsoft develops software for Longhorn? It’s simple: the graphic designers are now in charge.[…]Now, we don’t call them that. On the team I’m a part of we call them “Program Designers.” The title really hides what they do and how important they are.The program designer I…

  • Why presidential candidate weblogs aren’t working

    Dave Winer figured out that weblogs of presidential candidates don’t work. Dave Winer: Yesterday I was interviewed about presidential weblogs.Got me thinking. I keep reading the candidate weblogs, waiting to be inspired, or even interested. So far the only one worth pointing to, imho, is the DNC weblog. It’s the only one that’s engaged, in…

  • Citation and influence: science versus the blogosphere

    Jon Udell: “The citation accounting that tracks the flow of influence in scientific disciplines looks a lot like the citation accounting that goes on in the blogosphere. But in truth, for many if not most scientific disciplines, that resemblance is superficial.” [Der Schockwellenreiter]

  • Andrew Grumets connects Radio to Movable Type

    This is what I love about the Userland stuff: it interoperates. Andrew Grumet is connecting Radio Userland with MovableType. Sleek.

  • Weblogs = enhanced community building?

    Andrew Grumet: “Weblogs, among other things, facilitate highly robust, amorphous, constantly changing, overlapping, individually filterable communities that are like nothing that has come before.”

  • New embed-Macro version

    I just added support for Shockwave to the Manila embed() macro. Get it here as Stuffit or ZIP file.

  • Anybody heard about ‘Erlang’ before?

    I just did. And it does even support XML-RPC.

  • HITS 2003 conference

    Some of the presentations of the HITS 2003 conference are online (HITS means “Humans | Interaction | Technology | Strategy”).

  • Power of Design transcripts

    I’m really glad someone put these notes from the speakers of the “Power of Design” conference online. Many ideas. Lots of things to talk about…

  • CoreBLOG first look

    I had a very brief look at CoreBLOG – a weblog system for Zope. It looks quite promising. But it is still not what we need. The management through ZMI (zope management interface) is considered a feature. But ZMI is not the right interface for newbies. It also does not support any API, so tools…

  • Personas: Setting the Stage for Building Usable Information Sites

    Alison J. Head describes the use of personas in design processes.

  • Brenda Laurel on Design Research

    “Brenda Laurel is editing a book called Design Research that’s coming out in December. Looks like an interesting mix of contributors – you don’t often see Darrel Rhea (weblog) and Eric Zimmerman both writing under the same cover.” [Brightly Colored Food]

  • Learning: Communities versus Courses

    Lilia Efimova did a marvelous job on collecting thoughts on “Communities versus Courses”: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. She also points to Sebastien Paquets weblog research directory. There is a lot of arguments that need consideration here. Some turn on light bulbs in my head – and I disagree with others. I…

  • The Future of Weblogging

    “Nico Macdonald puts Weblogging in the context of the history of online publishing, explaining its novelty and value, and indicating where it needs to innovate. He concludes with a proposal encouraging publishers to properly embrace the Weblogging model. “

  • w.bloggar

    I just learned about w.bloggar – a tool that allows posting to weblogs. Does this work with Manila sites + categories too?

  • New toy…

    Today a new toy has arrived for me (with some add-ons). I plan to use iSight and iChat AV to join students in the lab when I am away.

  • New courseblogs…

    The two seminars that started last week are picking up steam: One is about “Social software” and one about “Design with algorithms“. There are not as many students as I expected. So (as actually always): anyone should feel free to join the seminar online.