Author: Oliver Wrede

  • RSS Link corrected

    I just corrected the RSS link in the membership box. (Thanks to Marian) By the way, Marian: The RSS client I talked about is Syndirella. Maybe that is better than FeedReader.

  • Free multilingual Unicode font

    »Courtesy, a pointer to Victor Gaultney’s Gentium project. Purpose: to build a free multilingual font to bring better typography to thousands of languages around the globe. I can think of no higher calling.« [Jarrett House North]

  • Blogger & Google?

    I don’t know what the Google people had in mind when buying Pyra/Blogger. But I can say what I have in mind: a system that integrates meta-structures blogdex, blogtree, myelin, geourl with publishing. Of course Google could use the weblogs to improve ranking. Of course Google could have done this without buying Blogger, couldn’t it?

  • Ranking the ranks – endless love

    Todays best search engines: Bush endless love on Yahoo Endless love Bush on

  • The New Mexico Channel ??

    My german weblog took quite a number of hits. And I first thought this the system had an error. For some reason the post about the fabulous Bush & Blair persiflage made it onto the homepage of in the »As seen on 7« list. Strange.

  • First Principles

    Bruce Tognazzini: »The following principles are fundamental to the design and implementation of effective interfaces, whether for traditional GUI environments or the web. Of late, many web applications have reflected a lack of understanding of many of these principles of design, to their great detriment. Because an application or service appears on the web, the…

  • hierarchyTemplates Plug-In 0.5b

    I have been working on a new release of the hierarchyTemplates Plug-In – version 0.5. The two main new features are a) JavaScript objects and b) Theme compatibility (the settings of this Plug-In will be exported with a Manila theme). I am looking for people who are willing to test this one. I used it…

  • News coverage in US flawed?

    »Most people, though, get their news from TV — and there the difference is immense. The coverage of Saturday’s antiwar rallies was a reminder of the extent to which U.S. cable news, in particular, seems to be reporting about a different planet than the one covered by foreign media.What would someone watching cable news have…

  • Manila Plug-Ins stagnation

    Now that Dave Winer found a reason to turn to Manila again for his Harvard Law School weblog server, I wonder if Userland will improve Manila some more. There hasn’t been much news about Frontier/Manila. There has been a lot of ideas from the community (even a Plug-Ins wish list). I was wondering if I…

  • Outliner with OPML-Export

    NoteTaker 2003 v1.1 does OPML! »NoteTaker 2003 is a very groovy outliner that does lots of cool things like publish to the web, voice annotation and all kinds of other things that I haven’t figured out yet. I griped about the fact that it didn’t do OPML, before when I tried the previous release. Maybe…

  • First Infos about Quark XPress 6.0

    »QuarkXPress software users can look forward to many powerful new features in QuarkXPress 6 including enhanced undo functionality, full-resolution previews, and an intriguing way to manage complex projects, which will be described in a future update.«

  • NetNewsWire 1.0.1b1

    Hooray! The latest beta of NetNewsWire Pro solves the XML-RPC issue with Manila sites that use german umlauts! Now I can see and edit all those news items and post directly to departments! Perfect!

  • Hacker breaches credit card security

    »A computer hacker gains access to more than 5 million Visa and Mastercard credit card accounts in the US.« [BBC News | TECHNOLOGY]

  • Keynote HQ

    Keynote HQ is a community site about Apples Keynote software.

  • Why Bush must go to war

    I wish this interview with theologist and psychoanalyst Eugen Drewermann would be available in English. One may try the poor Google translation.

  • Ken Bereskin stopped blogging?

    I wonder what happened to Ken Bereskins Radio Weblog. He gave very useful tips on OS X – but now that weblog wasn’t updated sinc 22nd January.

  • Micheal Moore’s ‘What a wonderful world’

    Material about the “world” section of the wonderful film »Bowling for Columbine« by Micheal Moore.

  • US to punish German ‘treachery’?

    The Observer: »The plan – discussed by Pentagon officials and military chiefs last week on the orders of Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld – is designed ‘to harm’ the German economy to make an example of the country for what US hawks see as Chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s ‘treachery’. […]Another Pentagon source said: ‘The aim is to…

  • CNN transcript is cut a bit short

    On Friday the 14th of February presented a “transcript” of Hans Blix’s presentation to the U.N. Security Council concerning the progress of weapons inspections in Iraq. Comparison with other transcripts, notably that presented by the BBC , reveals that a substantial section of the presentation was omitted in the CNN version. The missing text…

  • Reckless Administration May Reap Disastrous Consequences

    »This nation is about to embark upon the first test of a revolutionary doctrine applied in an extraordinary way at an unfortunate time. The doctrine of preemption — the idea that the United States or any other nation can legitimately attack a nation that is not imminently threatening but may be threatening in the future…