Category: Education
Studying and Teaching Interface Design
This text describes how I got to know Gui Bonsiepe over 30 years ago, what it meant for me to study with him, how this subsequently influenced my own teaching, and what I think his work means for me today. These are personal thoughts. I nevertheless hope that they have meaning for readers with an…
New Seminar »Artificial Intelligence and Design«
The seminar this summer semester 2024 will be about artificial intelligence and design. Clearly there is a lot of shake-up coming from artificial intelligence. It is about time to explore what this means for designers, design and design education. Artificial intelligence has become a dominant topic since the release of ChatGPT by OpenAI. New AI…
Design education latest trends
Disclaimer This following text is generated by GPT-4. Don’t take it too seriously. It is just a test. Design education has been evolving rapidly to keep up with the ever-changing demands of the industry. As technology continues to advance, new trends and approaches have emerged, shaping the way design is taught and practiced. Here are…
New seminar in winter semester 2016/2017
Tomorrow the winter semester 2016/2017 starts. I will be an offering new seminar called »Forecast« that researches design for information systems that can be used to understand developments and future situations.
New seminars for winter semester
Two new seminars have been announced for the winter semester (details in German). These seminars are open to all students starting from 3rd semester. »Data Transformation« Lecturers: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Oliver Wrede A seminar for information design interactive media in the context of topics like »Data Journalism«, Generative Gestaltung, »Big Data«, Datenvisualisierung, »Information Mapping«, Informationsgrafik, Data…
Seminar on »Slowness«
Here is a teaser for a seminar next semester: Read a more detailed (german) description here. Also: Overview about my teaching activities with links to other seminar weblogs.
New seminars – summer semester ’08
The new seminars for summer term 2008 are fixed. It is always a very exciting moment to think about new topics for projects… or rather: to pick the best from the ideas floating around. And I always love to define topics with a leightweight appearance but at the same time much depth. Here are the…
Do you remember early assignments in study projects?
One of the important things you need to work out as a design educator is what you will give out as first assignment in a seminar or project. It is like a warm-up for a project, something that helps you to move into the problem domain quickly. Of course there is usually plenty of material…
Weblogs and learning
I was staying away from discussion about weblogs in education for a longer time. Partly because I had other things to do and partly because I wanted to refocus my thoughts (thus getting outside the loop was good). I found that a some articles have quoted the »Weblogs and discourse« (new URL!) paper. One is…
Learning & commerce
Nuvvo is a platform where teachers can add an online course and optionally sell enrollments. Nuvvo is free – but once the instructor charges money Nuvvo will keep an 8% commission of all enrollments sold. Besides of the fact that this is a really interesting business model, the Nuvvo web application is designed to be…
iTunes U – Apple employs iTunes store for electronic education
I have written about this before. Now Apple translates the iTunes Music Store model to educational content. Students listen to lectures, download subscribed video feeds or podcasts. Apple acts as a service provider hoping it would broaden the footprint of educational technology.
Seminars in winter term 2005
This semester I am feeling like thinking about the next seminars quite early. If plans do not change one of the next seminars will be called »Continuity«. The seminar will research flow theories, the nature of immersion and pre-concious decision making. Sounds strange though, but it’s going to be fun. I am still keeping the…
Conflict in design education
I recently had to think about design education again. I sense some divide between approaches of design education. The devide is to some degree a difference between classical and novel ways. I try to identify the differences in these two conceptions: The classical way all theoretical implications are researched in the moment they are required…
JCU Study Skills
Through Clark MacLeods blog I found this site about study skills from James Cook University in Australia. It containes some helpful links and it appears to be fine input for the course about “PIM strategies” I was contemplating about some days ago.
How children can learn cognition science
Through a posting on the simplicity weblog I came across Edward De Bonos site. He started to collect bedtime stories for children that incorporate his theories. The first (and only) one by Lorna Santín tells about De Bonos concept named “Six thinking hats” and it’s called “The Magic Hats”.
Informal Education
The Encyclopedia of Informal Education seems to be a very good resource. I came there in preparation for the BlogWalk 2 meeting (which I will travel to tomorrow). Sebastian Fiedler suggested to read the article about Ivan Illich (in particular his thoughts on Learning webs). But I also think the documents on David A. Kolb…
Content vs Context – a contradiction?
Peter Baumgartner reminds us about the role of usage context for quality assessment of learning materials: In all the projects funded by the German BMBF we have tried to deliver excellent e-Learning content. As chairman of the “audit commission” I led a group of experts who recommended the ministry a change of gears: Instead to…
Educational scenarios
Will Richardson on Weblogs Creating a whole new Campus Culture: Article about the Weblogging program set up by a student at Reed College in Oregon where any student who wants one can have one. He’s got 147 going right now. An interesting read that gets to both sides of college level use of blogs and…
John Seely Brown website
George Siemens: I’ve long been a fan of John Seely Brown. His views of how knowledge is shared, how people work, and how digital media are impacting society are visionary. Thanks to Maish for providing a link to JSB’s website. [via elearnspace]
What they didn’t teach me in Design & Usability school
Scott Berkun was program manager at Microsoft for Internet Explorer. He wrote a nice essay about what he missed in university (and what might have been the reasons for it). Looking back on his work experience he summarizes what is important: The challenge is that what makes you credible to a developer, marketing executive, documentation…