details of a global brain

  • Follow up on Social Computing meeting

    Kevin Shofield posts a follow-up of the social computing conference at Microsoft Research: There were many good parts, but my favorite was a breakout group on the second afternoon specifically focused on discussing priorities for the research agenda. The top six areas we came up with: The video recordings of the conference are said to…

  • Progress on site

    I have been playing around with Tinderbox to manage this site for quite some time now. I am bumping into a homemade problem from time to time: I am publishing to a ZOPE server — the pages are stored as Zope Page Templates. While this gives me a lot of options (that I do not…

  • Tinderbox to database publishing?

    Right now I set up this weblog to be rendered on my laptop and upstreamed to the server with normal HTML pages. This somehow put the burden of organizing the site on Tinderbox. But somehow I get interested in the idea to let the server care for the public face of my content and rather…

  • e-Learning centre

    George Siemens (who doesn’t state his name anywhere on his blog) discovered a new e-Learning resource that is editerd by Jane Knight: e-Learning Centre is the most complete elearning resource I’ve encountered. The site goes on and on and on…There news page with an RSS feed. [via elearnspace]

  • That did not help

    But I was wondering about this weblog anyway: Graphic Designers for Dean.

  • The concept of presence

    This is an interesting article about presence. A number of emerging technologies including virtual reality, simulation rides, video conferencing, home theater, and high definition television are designed to provide media users with an illusion that a mediated experience is not mediated, a perception defined here as presence. Traditional media such as the telephone, radio, television,…

  • Bilingual?

    I am currently thinking about if I should run my german weblog here too. I decided to be bilingual – and currently the german weblog is more a weblog for my teaching activities. I don’t want to mix it like Erik does.

  • Creating an online help with Tinderbox

    Matt Neuburg published a tutorial on “Creating Online Help with Tinderbox“. [via Schockwellenreiter]

  • RSS feed repaired

    The RSS feed is repaired. It’ll work on the old location, but it should be updated. It is now here feed:// (as http-Link). There’s still a template missing for the single items at ther permanent URL.

  • Social Computing symposium at Microsoft Research

    Microsoft Research is doing a 70-people invitation-only symposium about social computing on Monday and Tuesday. Kevin Shofield is one of the organizers who runs an own weblog. He writes: “We really wanted to have the symposium webcast live on the Internet, but because we’re holding it at a ‘non-traditional’ facility, we couldn’t make that work.…

  • COREblog review in Linux Journal

    Linux-Journal has published a review of COREblog online. COREblog is a weblog product for the Open Source Zope application server. COREblog is developed by a Japanese programmer and an many members of the COREblog user community don’t communicate in English, but Klaus Alexander Seistrup in Denmark started an english mailing list.

  • How to Make a Faceted Classification and Put It On the Web

    Wiliam Denton has put together a facet-map howto: “This paper will attempt to bridge the gap by giving procedures and advice on all the steps involved in making a faceted classification and putting it on the web. Web people will benefit by having a rigorous seven-step process to follow for creating faceted classifications, and librarians…

  • Publishing or conversation?

    Jeff Ward is asking if weblogs are publishing or actually some kind of converstation. He is pointing to Lilia Efimova who is warning about potential degradation of communication by superficial reading & writing (or listening & replying). “I cannot adopt the concept that “conversation” alone is a good reason to invest this much time in…

  • Tinderbox in class

    Jon Buscall describes how he uses Tinderbox in class: “As a teacher, it takes ages to create a set of worthy lesson plans. If you keep lesson plans/details as a hard copy you often have to make changes, can’t get a quick overview of your work and they tend to get tatty stuck on your…

  • Self reference

    I found this year-old posting over at Mark Bernstein about Clement Mok writing this in “Designers: Time for Change”: “In the ensuing years, the deadening effects of social turmoil followed by stagnation and, later, the sheer volume of work created by waves of economic expansion engendered an environment of complacency. Designers increasingly just scrubbed and…

  • Redesign started

    I just finished the first steps of redesigning this site in Tinderbox. There is a huge amount of things to look for. Many things need to be done in a particular way in Tinderbox. This does not necessarily mean it is harder than other tools – most of the time it is just different. Another…

  • Technorati renewed

    Technorati has a new interface – is it really new or did I miss the change? Unfortunatly it seems the database was recreated. All the references to my weblogs are lost.

  • And the winner is … Tinderbox!

    I decided to do my new weblog with Tinderbox. But I miss a scriptability of Tinderbox, but for now it is the best tool I found to manage notes. It still has a lot of bugs — especially when it comes to HTML export — and it is not very intuitive to design a weblog…

  • Sitepoint Tinderbox review

    Nathan Matias has reviewed Tinderbox and gives it an almost perfect score.

  • Pentagon: climate change will destroy us

    Guardian Unlimited: “You’ve got a President who says global warming is a hoax, and across the Potomac river you’ve got a Pentagon preparing for climate wars.” And: Key findings of the Pentagon. Reading the key findings I feel the Pentagon has hired some freaks that want to draw a scenario that would keep the defence…

Got any book recommendations?