details of a global brain

  • International Conference?

    Looking at the list of attendees of BloggerCon that supposedly international conference appears to be a pretty national.

  • A blog-volution

    Alan Levine: “Anyone RSS-ing or surfing the education weblog scenes (e.g. Weblogg-ed) know that educator weblogs are catching on as a quiet revolution. And it is happening here in our system, a quiet revolution thaking place in and under the radar.”

  • Weblog tools

    Here is a much bigger list of Weblog tools.

  • Ryze networking

    I just learned that Ryze Company Co-Founder Adrian Scott made a comment on my Ryze page regarding my post about Ryze some weeks ago. Now: How did he get to my post? Hmmm… His page shows me I am connected to him by Phil Wolf.

  • Blogging Across the Curriculum

    I missed the Blogging Across the Curriculum site from Pattie Belle Hastings: “Weblogs are increasingly being used in education by researchers, teachers, and students. Professors are keeping research blogs, requiring students to blog, or creating course weblogs. Students are keeping course blogs or personal blogs. Scholars are studying and writing about the weblog phenomenon while…

  • Landscapes of Capital

    “This project is an ongoing attempt to write a multimedia web-based book dedicated to studying how corporate television commercials portray a world shaped and defined by global capitalism during the last years of the 20th century and the first years of the 21st. Drawing on a set of 800 TV commercials sponsored by corporate firms…

  • FTP with Frontier in OS X

    Tom Fürstner is annoyed that Frontier for OS X does not work well with AppleEvents and Cocoa applications. I don’t know if that is a Cocoa issue or an issue with an outdated implementation in Frontier. Anyway: He was not really in love with the FTP implementation in Frontier, so he found a way to…

  • 20 lessons learned from 9-11

    Unfortunatly this article seems to be only available in German (and unfortunatly it is not a followup to the numerous consipracy-theory rants).

  • Distance Learning: Step by Step

    »New to teaching online? Consider this resource via Ray: Distance Learning: Step by Step (.pdf)…covers many areas of consideration for the online environment (including assessment and issues in moving to online).« [via elearnspace blog: Distance Learning: Step by Step] [BildungsBlog]

  • Movies with iSight

    Derrick Story describes applications to record movies with iSight: iRecordnow is a little application that allows direct video recording from an iSight webcam. BTV does this as well (and more).

  • Tools for Weblogs

    If you’re running a weblog these tools might be interesting to you: BlogchangebotBlog Change Bot is a blog monitoring service which updates you via AOL Instant Messanger when a blog you are interested is updated. It is available with the screen name blogchangebot on AOL IM. BlogPlanetWith BlogPlanet, updating your blog while you’re on the…

  • Idea a day

    Ingo found this site that collects ideas about anything. Ingo still needs an RSS feed…

  • Software patents narrowed by EU

    The EU today has rejected a draft to enable patents on algorithms and business processes.

  • addedValues Plug-In

    I just learned about the addedValues Plug-In for Manila. It is a successor for the metaData Plug-In (and obviously a complete rewrite). Looks very interesting!

  • Making sense of weblogs in the intranet

    Micheal Angeles: »Lucent Technologies’ Information Specialist, Michael Angeles, believes blogging has evolved beyond “cool” and is moving quickly into the corporate world. In this presentation, Angeles will discuss who blogs, how and why.He will also discuss how Lucent is supporting bloggers and at the same time keeping close watch over the resulting growth of information…

  • Andreas Beutel Weblog

    Andreas Beutel is running is own weblog now. And also Marian Steinbach started to update his page in a webloggish style. Onward! Unfortunatly they don’t seem to have RSS feeds of their blogs…

  • Back from vacation

    If anyone wondered why there wasn’t any update the last three weeks: I was taking a timeout in Greece. Regular updates ahead…

  • Ryze

    I just updated my Ryze page to include some friends – or at least people I met. I think I would pay $9.90 for the Gold membership, but Ryze is far from showing my social network – 99% of the people I work and communicate with are not in the Ryze database. I think a…

  • Getting rid of Microsoft

    Ton Zijlstra has made a decision. He wants to get rid of Microsoft. He created a new blog, Jettison, where he will try to document his path from Microsoft to Linux. [Der Schockwellenreiter]

  • New software for OS X

    FlyingMeat offers a $10 shareware called VooDooPad that offers a Wiki-style notes system. Runrev releases Revolution 2.1 – a software development enviroment that offers true “write once run everywhere”.

Got any book recommendations?