details of a global brain
Create some music with Flash?
There is a new release of the Hobnox Audiotool coming up! Until release you can play with iNudge:
10/GUI & con10uum
10/GUI (by Clayton Miller) is an novel approach to human-computer interaction. But it draws attention to the fine line designers will need to walk to effectively create physical human-computer interactions. The video demonstrates the potential advantages of navigating within a desktop interface with up to ten fingers, rather than via a single cursor: [More on…
Mouse 2.0?
These research prototypes for future computer mice by Microsoft are very interesting approaches:
Next generation of devices: Tablets
There have been many attempts to make a computer work from your pocket and without a keyboard. Apple is rumored to work on a tablet device. It has invented the Newton Message Pad over 15 years ago – which was a marvelous (but expensive) device at that time. Microsoft is working on a new prototype…
GPS + Compass + Motion sensors = Augmented Reality
The new iPhone 3GS adds a compass to the set of sensors. Combined with the GPS, the motion detection sensor and some image change detection via the internal video camera, this enables a new breed of “augmented reality” applications. NearestWiki for example displays WikiPedia entries about buildings and places in the vicinity. NearestWiki is not…
Introduction to HTML5
Here is a very good introduction to HTML5 by Brad Neuberg that is a must see for web designers and developers – at least if you are new to HTML5: Introduction to HTML 5 from Brad Neuberg on Vimeo.
Tinderbox goes Universal
One of the tools I am using for years now is Tinderbox from Eastgate. I have used it for quite some time to write this weblog here (but swichted to WordPress + MarsEdit recently). Nevertheless I think Tinderbox is a helper in many ways – although there are always features that can be and will…
Thoughts on Google Wave
I am just collecting some thoughts about some observations and issues – while I am trying to understand Google Wave. (see a demo on their site) Google Wave is an integrated set of technologies (with protocols that allow semi-synchronous editing of outlines and their federation across several servers). With this approach Google Wave solves some…
WebKit adds 3D
The developers of the Webkit HTML rendering engine (the one that is used in the Apple Safari Browser) have added 3D styles to CSS. It allows layers to be rotated, scaled and moved in a 3D space. You need to download a nightly build of the browser to see it working. There are quite a…
Project Natal – the first true innovation from Microsoft
I have been thinking about Project Natal over the weekend. I do not want to discredit some of the innovations Microsoft has created over the last two decades – but for the most part Microsoft has not been able to create innovations on its own (but rather mimicking or buying stuff from outside). There may…
Project Natal
Obviously Microsoft feels the need to claim back some market share the Nintendo Wii took away with a new controller type. Project Natal is utilizing a range of biometric sensors for body motion, face and voice recognition. The video is more a vision than an actual feature presentation. But it is clear what the goals…
Checking out AudioBoo…
Listen! See…
Fast Company: Is Information Visualization the Next Frontier for Design?
This article asks wether or not Information Visualization is a field on its own in Information Design: If we’re going to live in a world driven by data, the thinking goes, we need a simple means of digesting it all. We are increasingly a visual society, and our understanding of the world is increasingly made…
Copenhagen UI concept
Via blogblog: Here is a user experience concept study that is a mockup of a new Windows UI – and it is not designed by Microsoft but by a guy named Cullen Dudas. Looks good. Would love to see more. I hope Microsoft comes up with some UI innovations in Windows 7 that really serve…
Future of Interfaces
DesignReviver (via @blogblog) has compiled a categorial list of aspects that drive future UI development: Better and more intuitive devices interaction Everyday devices connected to the Internet Multi-touch, without touching the screen Interactive and intuitive user interfaces for better browsing Gesture based interfaces Interfaces aware of context New materials that will influence UI While I…
Quorum sensing bacterial communication
Bonnie Bassler discovered that bacteria “talk” to each other, using a chemical language that lets them coordinate defense and mount attacks. The find has stunning implications for medicine, industry — and our understanding of ourselves.
Thinking alternatives: From “Mobile” to “Mobility”
Shai Agassi is the CEO of The Better Place to get rid of oil dependency (especially for running vehicles). The idea: Give away electric cars for free (like mobile phones) and make the batteries part of the electric grid system (instead of a costly component of the car). You basically pay for miles, thus the…
100 months to desaster
Scientists and celebrities raise the alarm regard global warming. Prince Charles for example claims that there’re only 100 months left to act. On the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit 2009 the economist Nicholas Stern confronts politicians and scientists with a dire outlook of the future if politicians fail to act swiftly on carbondioxide emissions. Obviously there…
Lovelock: One last chance to save mankind
James Lovelock in The NewScientist about the ecology and global warming today: I don’t think humans react fast enough or are clever enough to handle what’s coming up. Kyoto was 11 years ago. Virtually nothing’s been done except endless talk and meetings.
NSA wiretaps like crazy?
Former NSA analysr Russel Tice talks publicly about the wiretapping of the National Security Agency. Obviously the NSA patched into backbones of national telecommunication providers and scanned ALL communications. Complete organisations had their communication secretly copied and backed up for investigative purposes. See yourself: Update: There is a second interview with Mr. Tice the day…
Got any book recommendations?