details of a global brain

  • Weblogs, Google – and Memex?

    Dennis G. Jerz wrote an article for »Dichtung Digital«, which could light up the questions about what Google might want with Blogger. Quote: »Google initially began as a tool for rating annotations, according to Larry Page (inventor of Google’s eponymous PageRank): “We wanted to annotate the web–build a system so that after you’d viewed a…

  • Funny Bush images

    If you ever wondered where these funny Bush images come from … here they are!

  • Threats, Promises and Lies

    »Can we run a foreign policy in the absence of trust? The administration apparently thinks it can use threats as a substitute. Officials have said that they expect undecided Security Council members to come around out of fear of being on the “wrong” side. And Mr. Bush may yet get the U.N. to acquiesce, grudgingly,…

  • ZOE 0.41

    There’s a new version of ZOE – that indexing E-Mail client – that supports RSS (including 2.0) as well as the Blogger APi and MetaWeblog API. I don’tyet fully understand what this means, but it sounds like I should consider ZOE once more.

  • RSS Link corrected

    I just corrected the RSS link in the membership box. (Thanks to Marian) By the way, Marian: The RSS client I talked about is Syndirella. Maybe that is better than FeedReader.

  • Free multilingual Unicode font

    »Courtesy, a pointer to Victor Gaultney’s Gentium project. Purpose: to build a free multilingual font to bring better typography to thousands of languages around the globe. I can think of no higher calling.« [Jarrett House North]

  • Blogger & Google?

    I don’t know what the Google people had in mind when buying Pyra/Blogger. But I can say what I have in mind: a system that integrates meta-structures blogdex, blogtree, myelin, geourl with publishing. Of course Google could use the weblogs to improve ranking. Of course Google could have done this without buying Blogger, couldn’t it?

  • Ranking the ranks – endless love

    Todays best search engines: Bush endless love on Yahoo Endless love Bush on

  • The New Mexico Channel ??

    My german weblog took quite a number of hits. And I first thought this the system had an error. For some reason the post about the fabulous Bush & Blair persiflage made it onto the homepage of in the »As seen on 7« list. Strange.

  • First Principles

    Bruce Tognazzini: »The following principles are fundamental to the design and implementation of effective interfaces, whether for traditional GUI environments or the web. Of late, many web applications have reflected a lack of understanding of many of these principles of design, to their great detriment. Because an application or service appears on the web, the…

  • hierarchyTemplates Plug-In 0.5b

    I have been working on a new release of the hierarchyTemplates Plug-In – version 0.5. The two main new features are a) JavaScript objects and b) Theme compatibility (the settings of this Plug-In will be exported with a Manila theme). I am looking for people who are willing to test this one. I used it…

  • News coverage in US flawed?

    »Most people, though, get their news from TV — and there the difference is immense. The coverage of Saturday’s antiwar rallies was a reminder of the extent to which U.S. cable news, in particular, seems to be reporting about a different planet than the one covered by foreign media.What would someone watching cable news have…

  • Manila Plug-Ins stagnation

    Now that Dave Winer found a reason to turn to Manila again for his Harvard Law School weblog server, I wonder if Userland will improve Manila some more. There hasn’t been much news about Frontier/Manila. There has been a lot of ideas from the community (even a Plug-Ins wish list). I was wondering if I…

  • Outliner with OPML-Export

    NoteTaker 2003 v1.1 does OPML! »NoteTaker 2003 is a very groovy outliner that does lots of cool things like publish to the web, voice annotation and all kinds of other things that I haven’t figured out yet. I griped about the fact that it didn’t do OPML, before when I tried the previous release. Maybe…

  • First Infos about Quark XPress 6.0

    »QuarkXPress software users can look forward to many powerful new features in QuarkXPress 6 including enhanced undo functionality, full-resolution previews, and an intriguing way to manage complex projects, which will be described in a future update.«

  • NetNewsWire 1.0.1b1

    Hooray! The latest beta of NetNewsWire Pro solves the XML-RPC issue with Manila sites that use german umlauts! Now I can see and edit all those news items and post directly to departments! Perfect!

  • Hacker breaches credit card security

    »A computer hacker gains access to more than 5 million Visa and Mastercard credit card accounts in the US.« [BBC News | TECHNOLOGY]

  • Keynote HQ

    Keynote HQ is a community site about Apples Keynote software.

  • Why Bush must go to war

    I wish this interview with theologist and psychoanalyst Eugen Drewermann would be available in English. One may try the poor Google translation.

  • Ken Bereskin stopped blogging?

    I wonder what happened to Ken Bereskins Radio Weblog. He gave very useful tips on OS X – but now that weblog wasn’t updated sinc 22nd January.

Got any book recommendations?