Author: Oliver Wrede

  • Wikipedia Animate

    Wikipedia Animate aggregates all changes of a wikipedia page and shows an animation of it. It uses Greasemonkey (which allows some kind of client side web application created with JavaScript).

  • Music video milestones

    I am glad to see music video creators running formal experiments and pushing styles forward. Here are some: The video of Agenda Suicide by The Faint the former reminds me a lot of the song Remind Me by Röyksopp also a must see is Let Forever Be by Chemical Brother (directed by Michael Gondry) Facing…

  • The future of broadcasting

    Doug Kaye (host and producer of IT Conversations) suggests that downloading radio programs from the net is superior to the old radio frequency broadcasting: This started for me when I blogged about Doc’s suggestion that we all call our local public radio stations and request they carry the new show. It took me no time…

  • Audioscrobbler turned – redesigned

    I wrote about Audioscroblbler before. Now I found they’ve merged it with their service and also reworked their design – and it seems they improved usability a lot. Interestingly they offer blogs and tagging (they seem to have learned the lessons). The personal radio now can be used with a separate client (which is…

  • Geman politicians and weblogs

    Here is a short review about some weblogs politicians from Germany are writing. Obviously many have ghost writers and don’t write themselves. They don’t get it. A weblog is not about updated news in a different way – it is an effective way to personally reach thousands of people. If readers feel the blog is…

  • Podcasting applied to TV

    It wasn’t even a question of time when this was going to happen: Subscription TV (see DTV uses the Bittorrent technology to distribute the files. Very clever. So this leaves one question: How to find content? There is this built in channel guide that seems to be similar to the podcast support in iTunes…

  • Extreme Democracy

    This concept proposed by Jon Lebkowsky and Mitch Ratcliffe asks what is the future of democracy in the information age: “Extreme democracy” is a political philosophy of the information era that puts people in charge of the entire political process. It suggests a deliberative process that places total confidence in the people, opening the policy-making…

  • Podcasts from

    The popular german TV news program Tagesschau started podcasts MP3 of their prime time broadcast. This supports my hypothesis, that podcasting will be adopted quickly by traditional media. I still think podcasting will remain marginal in the blogsphere.

  • How to hire a product manager

    Here is someone with a lot of experience in hiring product managers talking about how to hire one: So what do I look for in a PM? Most importantly, raw intellectual horsepower. I’ll take a wickedly smart, inexperienced PM over one of average intellect and years of experience any day. Product management is fundamentally about…

  • Mapping scientific literature

    Students often ask for reading recommendations. The question of where to start is a question of what one already knows and what one is up to. There is no single path to take on. So most of the time I first try to give an overview about different types of literature. Now I found this…

  • 60 years Hiroshima

    Hiroshima was not only a human desaster of unspeakable extent – it is also the beginning of »politics of deception« that led to Vietnam, Iraq I and Iraq II (and probably more to come). Quote from the LA Times article: Hiroshima’s myths have gradually given rise to an American unilateralism born of atomic arrogance. The…

  • OPML Editor

    Dave Winer has released his latest project: OPML Editor. I like writing in outlines, but OPML Editor remains a typical Winerish tool: powerful for users that want to dig a scripting tool on steroids – but utterly useless for “normal” users that expect a tool without dead ends and a somewhat standard compliant graphical user…

  • Gizmo here – Skype gone

    On Sunday I decided to switch my DSL provider. After I entered their online form, I recieved their confirmation on Monday. On Wednesday morning I got their package with a brand new DSL/WLAN modem/router and all login data required. Setting it up was a snap. Everything worked out of the box. I also recieved Internet…

  • Virtual Earth

    Microsoft’s answer to Google Maps is Virtual Earth. Obviously Microsoft uses other data for their maps. Alltogether Google Maps appear to be nicer, faster, a little more precise and with better aerial imagery. Microsoft sometimes uses BW images – maybe from the infrared spectrum. Microsofts product also sometimes fails to load all tiles of the…

  • Feeds for aliens!

    Ok, we all know what we should do with this, don’t we? If you think they’ll coming to pick you up before the Vogons bust the planet then maybe that’s the place to claim your seat.

  • Updgrade to Tiger

    I upgraded my PowerBook to the latest Tiger release. In 20 years of working with computers I never experienced a system upgrade that was so easy. After cloning the complete internal harddisk to an equally sized external one (with Carbon Copy Cloner) I did a clean re-install of MacOS X 10.4 Tiger. Tiger comes with…

  • Bloggers need not apply?

    An interesting article in the Chronicle of Higher Education about webloggers that apply for academic positions claiming that most blogs are not benefitial: Our blogger applicants came off reasonably well at the initial interview, but once we hung up the phone and called up their blogs, we got to know “the real them” — better…

  • Google Maps

    Google Maps really seems to take off after offering their Google Maps API for web developers. People are quickly developing very interessting variations (e.g. this incredible mixing of map and satellite views or someone tracking the hotspots he was using with You’ll find much more at this tag »googlemaps«.

  • How long does it take for a weblog to become inactive?

    Several weeks now without any update here. Why? Well, too many reasons to list here. I was too busy on the one hand – on the other hand I did not want to blog just to remain »active«. I know I ignored one the »post early, post often« rule for running a successful blog. I…

  • Apple and Intel

    This is another major bombshell after the aquisition of Macromedia through Adobe: rumors say Apple is going to announce Intel chips in Apple computers tomorrow. Another interesting articles: Intel, Apple coupling could woo Hollywood Apple to Intel: Some advantage, lots of risk Update: So it’s true. I wasn’t surprised about the fact that Apple had…