Category: Weblog Theory

  • The concept of presence

    This is an interesting article about presence. A number of emerging technologies including virtual reality, simulation rides, video conferencing, home theater, and high definition television are designed to provide media users with an illusion that a mediated experience is not mediated, a perception defined here as presence. Traditional media such as the telephone, radio, television,…

  • Publishing or conversation?

    Jeff Ward is asking if weblogs are publishing or actually some kind of converstation. He is pointing to Lilia Efimova who is warning about potential degradation of communication by superficial reading & writing (or listening & replying). “I cannot adopt the concept that “conversation” alone is a good reason to invest this much time in…

  • Technorati renewed

    Technorati has a new interface – is it really new or did I miss the change? Unfortunatly it seems the database was recreated. All the references to my weblogs are lost.

  • EdMedia Proposal accepted

    As Sebastian Fiedler has announced, our joined proposal has been accepted for EdMedia 2004.

  • Personal something management

    “I tried to connect together bits and pieces from my reading and thinking about knowledge work for the paper I’m writing. Comments are welcome.See also: earlier thinking about this model in Knowledge worker spaces and other posts on knowledge networker.” [Lilia Efimova (mathemagenic)]

  • WikiAndBlog

    M C Morgan about weblogs and wikis: “Blogs and wikis, because they are different spaces, manifest/take advantage of/engage different epistemic and rhetorical possibilities and serve different rhetorical and epistemic ends. They engage different rhetorics: one topical, carved from the inside out; the other chronological, staying on top of things.[…]However, posting on a blog is easier…

  • Blogging the Market

    “The most complete exploration of blogs in corporate environments I’ve seen: Blogging the Market: “How Weblogs are turning corporate machines into real conversations…But it’s not simply that organisations have forgotten how to speak and listen to their customers. They are afraid of doing so. They are petrified of letting go.” Works in every browser except…

  • Blogging for Business

    Jason Fried from 37signals: “All the buzz about weblogs is really about one thing: Making publishing to the web as easy as writing an email. A blog is a web page, or a portion of a web page, usually made up of short, frequently updated posts that are arranged chronologically (usually reverse chronologically). The posts…

  • Aggregated comments

    Paolo Valdemarin on better weblog comments: “What I would like to see is a comment window which looks exactly like current ones (i.e. you can read the whole thread without having to click on any link), but where the content is actually syndicated from the weblogs of each comment’s author.”

  • Technorati growth statistics

    “Allow me to give you some growth statistics: One year ago, when I started Technorati on a single server in my basement, we were adding between 2,000-3,000 new weblogs each day, not counting the people who were updating sites we were already tracking. In March of this year, when we switched over to a 5…

  • Personal use of corporate computers is good

    Found via Lilia Efimova: “Personal web usage in workplace offers benefits for employees, employers, new book concludes [via Judith Meskill]: websurfing for personal reasons during work hours results in “better time management, reduction in stress, adding to skill sets, and helping to achieve a balance between work and personal life”.Games at work may be good…

  • Why presidential candidate weblogs aren’t working

    Dave Winer figured out that weblogs of presidential candidates don’t work. Dave Winer: Yesterday I was interviewed about presidential weblogs.Got me thinking. I keep reading the candidate weblogs, waiting to be inspired, or even interested. So far the only one worth pointing to, imho, is the DNC weblog. It’s the only one that’s engaged, in…

  • Citation and influence: science versus the blogosphere

    Jon Udell: “The citation accounting that tracks the flow of influence in scientific disciplines looks a lot like the citation accounting that goes on in the blogosphere. But in truth, for many if not most scientific disciplines, that resemblance is superficial.” [Der Schockwellenreiter]

  • Weblogs = enhanced community building?

    Andrew Grumet: “Weblogs, among other things, facilitate highly robust, amorphous, constantly changing, overlapping, individually filterable communities that are like nothing that has come before.”

  • The Future of Weblogging

    “Nico Macdonald puts Weblogging in the context of the history of online publishing, explaining its novelty and value, and indicating where it needs to innovate. He concludes with a proposal encouraging publishers to properly embrace the Weblogging model. “

  • Uses/benefits of blogging for knowledge workers

    This another slide of my presentation, but this one is probably the most important for me as this is the frame I use to think about weblogs in my PhD research trying to summarise (possible) uses/benefits of blogging for knowledge workers. What’s in it for me? Publishing Personal information management Watching trends, staying updated (~’search’…

  • Some uses of blogs in education

    “Scott puts together an ace matrix of some uses of blogs in education…” [James Farmer’s Radio Weblog]

  • BlogTalk Book

    Thomas N. Burg: “The BlogTalk book is on its way into layouting and finally it will make it to the press. I guess…” [randgänge]

  • BloggerCon Webcasts online

    They are here.

  • Thoughts on Perseus blog survey

    Right in time for BloggerCon: The Blog Survey from 66% of blogs are abandoned. Only 10% of webloggers appear to be older tha 30. Interestingly the study did not include some “advanced” power-user weblog tools like MovableType, Manila or Radio Userland and not even Blogger. Besides of TypePad they only inlcuded blogging software that…