Author: Oliver Wrede
Buzz is a Python+wxPythom based OPML editor that seems to support the Manila XML-RPC API. Unfortunatly it is still under development and probably impossible to install fo the average user (well, the average user might not know what to do with this tool anyway). What is interoperability good for if only a fraction of users…
VoodooPad + Server
“With the latest version of VoodooPad, you can open up a web-based wiki for reading, editing, and saving! Download vpwiki and collaborate online with coworkers, friends, and even family members. Edit your site from within VoodooPad, or straight on the web.” The vpwiki is a little webserver that renders the Wiki over HTTP/HTML and enables…
External Zope Editor for MacOS X
I waited for this one: “ZopeEditManager is a native Cocoa application that provides ExternalEditor functionality for Mac OS X users. Written using the PyObjC bindings, it extends the original work done by Casey Duncan, and makes it possible for Mac users to get the most out of this incredibly useful package.”
Uses/benefits of blogging for knowledge workers
This another slide of my presentation, but this one is probably the most important for me as this is the frame I use to think about weblogs in my PhD research trying to summarise (possible) uses/benefits of blogging for knowledge workers. What’s in it for me? Publishing Personal information management Watching trends, staying updated (~’search’…
Informal Learning & the other 80%
Found this article from Jay Cross through Lilia Efimova’s weblog and her very iformative post on “Learning: communities vs. courses” I wish I had more time right now to do a deep dive into this stuff, because it really touches many issues I am interested in. Lilia is making a difference between novice learners and…
Chris Lydon interviews
I really love to listen to the Chris Lydon interviews. Always a gem.
Some uses of blogs in education
“Scott puts together an ace matrix of some uses of blogs in education…” [James Farmer’s Radio Weblog]
BlogTalk Book
Thomas N. Burg: “The BlogTalk book is on its way into layouting and finally it will make it to the press. I guess…” [randgänge]
BloggerCon Webcasts online
They are here.
Quote of the Day
“See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don’t attack each other. Free nations don’t develop weapons of mass destruction.”George Walker Bush, Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 3, 2003 [via Schockwellenreiter]
Two new handy scripts for Frontier
I added two handy scripts for Frontier in the “Other Scripts” section on my development page: the first script globally changes an e-mail address in all Manila sites of a GDB. The second script exports Manila news items as MySQL dump.
MFA in Software?
The University of Illinois is thinking about starting a Master of Fine Arts in Software. Elegant solutions, engaging ideas, inspiring work; these are some of the defining characteristics of art. Do they apply to software and is software design therefore an artform? [Solitude] Well, what I can tell for sure is that you need ideas…
Thoughts on Perseus blog survey
Right in time for BloggerCon: The Blog Survey from 66% of blogs are abandoned. Only 10% of webloggers appear to be older tha 30. Interestingly the study did not include some “advanced” power-user weblog tools like MovableType, Manila or Radio Userland and not even Blogger. Besides of TypePad they only inlcuded blogging software that…
BloggerCon Webcasts
The BloggerCon webcasts work much better today. Yesterday it was just impossible to watch them. Today I don’t have the time to follow the sessions (there are two parallel streams anyway). I hope there will be some sessions viewable as archive later on.
Visual Language Collection
Kris Krois: “Search this database of images that show examples of visual language. Define your search criteria using the select menues. The results will meet ALL the criteria. The more keywords you select the less hits you will get. (DUMMY ONLY ! THE REAL THING WILL COME…)” [owrede_log FB4]
Balancing visual and structural complexity in interaction design
Henrik Olsen: “For people with little experience in interaction design it’s tempting to equate visual simplicity with usability. But there is more between heaven and earth than meets the eye. The Q4 issue of GUUUI takes a look at some common pitfalls, where studies have proven that what appears to be simple isn’t always what…
International Conference?
Looking at the list of attendees of BloggerCon that supposedly international conference appears to be a pretty national.
A blog-volution
Alan Levine: “Anyone RSS-ing or surfing the education weblog scenes (e.g. Weblogg-ed) know that educator weblogs are catching on as a quiet revolution. And it is happening here in our system, a quiet revolution thaking place in and under the radar.”
Weblog tools
Here is a much bigger list of Weblog tools.